Application tips

Here’s how to make sure your application has the best possible chance of success.

We are glad that you are interested in starting a career at Bertrandt. Because you only get one chance to leave a good first impression, we offer you here a few tips for increasing your own application’s chances of success. Because your application also ought to make the best impression it can.


Tips for the cover letter

zwei Figuren sprechen miteinander

You can find the right contact in the job posting.

Stift auf Blatt Papier

Name the exact position and the position reference code in your subject line. If you are applying speculatively, tell us the location you would prefer to work in.

Männchen mit Pfeilen die auf es zeigen

Tell us why you are applying to us and why you are the right person for the job.


Give your cover letter a clear structure, which will make it more legible to us. Divide your text into two or three paragraphs and formulate short, pithy sentences.


Have someone read through your application before you send it off. 

Tips for your CV

Blatt mit 1-3

Ideally, you will send in your CV in tabular format, in which the latest event takes the first position.

Blatt mit Haken-Symbol

Give all information to ensure it reads without gaps. 

Mann schweißt

Explain the tasks and add your own keywords to make your experiences concrete.

Zwei Blätter mit Pfeilen dazwischen

Ideally, your CV will demonstrate that you have the abilities and experiences referred to in the cover letter.

Tips for the attachments

Blatt mit Büroklammer
  • CV 
  • Cover letter giving the desired position and location 
  • Your two latest educational certificates 
  • Special qualifications
Blatt mit einem "A" und einem Haken

Avoid spelling mistakes and make sure your application appears orderly. 

pdf Zeichen

Please only attach files that can be read by a standard computer to online and email applications. 

5 MB

Please do not attach any files to your application that are larger than the maximum of 5 MB.

Ordner Symbol

For example, Cover_Letter_John_Smith.pdf or CV_Jane_Smith.pdf

Tips for the personal interview

Bildschirm mit Info zeichen

Find out before your interview about our company and the relevant sectors.

Männchen mit Sprechblase

Practice potential questions that may come up in an interview so that you know what you have ahead of you

weibliches Männchen mit Kleid

Take care to present a neat exterior – but also make sure you are at ease. 


Plan enough time to get to the interview so you arrive relaxed and on time


Try to remain calm while travelling to the interview. Reading a book or listening to music can be a welcome diversion.

Daumen hoch Symbol

You have been invited to an interview thanks to your qualifications. You are good!

Männchen sitzen am Tisch

The interviewer understands your situation and knows that nervousness is normal.